Annual General Meeting
The members of Vivre Ensemble en Minervois are invited to the General Assembly which will be held on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at the Salle Georges Brassens in Olonzac.
The room will be open from 4pm. In order for the meeting to start on time, you are invited to register by 4.45pm at the latest.
1. Number of members present, represented or excused and quorum.
2. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 16 November 2022
3. Report
* moral and activity report - approval
4. Financial report
- result and balance sheet 2022-23
- budget 2023-24
- report of the Audit Committee
- approval of the accounts
5. Renewal of the Board of Directors
6. Renewal of the Audit Committee (ACC)
7. Any other business
The General Assembly will be held in French, with translation into English and Dutch if necessary.
Boulevard Pasteur
Olonzac, 34210